Flickr has an API and photobox lets you use ftp to upload, so I thought I'd use the perl API to download the 4 sets that my wife had arranged on flickr. Anyway, here's the code with keys etc obscured. Sorry it's pretty rough and my perl is not too hot, but at least it works.
use Flickr::API;
use Data::Dumper;
my $api = new Flickr::API({'key' => 'your_flickr_api_key',
'secret' => 'your flickr_secret'});
my $frob = $api->execute_method('flickr.auth.getFrob', {
'api_key' => 'your_flickr_api_key',
my $f = $frob->{tree}->{children}[1]->{children}[0]->{content};
my $url = $api->request_auth_url("read", $f);
my $cmd = "C:/Progra~1/Mozill~1/firefox.exe \"$url\"";
my $token = $api->execute_method('flickr.auth.getToken', {
'api_key' => 'your_flickr_api_key',
'frob' => $f,
my $t = $token->{tree}->{children}[1]->{children}[1]->{children}[0]->{content};
my $response = $api->execute_method('flickr.photosets.getPhotos', {
'photoset_id' => '72157601397952579',
'auth_token' => $t,
my $ids = $response->{tree}->{children}[1]->{children};
for my $id (@$ids) {
if ($id->{attributes}) {
my $photo_id = $id->{attributes}->{id};
print "$photo_id\n";
my $sizes = $api->execute_method('', {
'api_key' => 'your_flickr_api_key',
'photo_id' => $photo_id,
'auth_token' => $t,
my $s = $sizes->{tree}->{children}[1]->{children};
for my $size (@$s) {
if ($size->{attributes}) {
if ($size->{attributes}->{label} eq "Original") {
my $url = $size->{attributes}->{source};
print "$url\n";
my $c = "wget $url";